
“Lama Sabachthani?”

March 2, 1890

“Lama Sabachthani?”   “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”— Matthew xxvii. 46.   “THERE was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour”: this cry came out of that darkness. Expect not to see through …


Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

October 26, 1862

NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!   “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”— Hebrews 13:5        WHAT power resides in “Thus saith the Lord!” The man who can grasp by faith, “He hath said,” has an all-conquering weapon in his hand. What doubt will not be slain by this two-edged sword? What fear …
