Collection: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 21
Collection: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 21
The Leading of the Spirit, the Secret Token of the Sons of God
January 1, 1970
The Leading of the Spirit, the Secret Token of the Sons of God “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”—Romans viii. 14. CHILDREN are expected to bear some likeness to their parent. Children of God, born of the grandest of all parents, regenerated by the almighty energy of …
The Final Separation
January 1, 1970
The Final Separation “And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.” — Matthew xxv. 32. JESUS Christ, the man of Nazareth, who is also the Son of God, was crucified, dead, and buried, and the third day he rose again …
Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ
January 1, 1970
Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ “How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?” — John v. 44. OUR Saviour was addressing himself to Pharisees, who would not receive him, and who, no doubt, pleaded that they could not believe on him. They had just …
The Blessings of Following On
January 1, 1970
The Blessings of Following On “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.”— Hosea vi. 3. I MUST first remove the mouldy piece from the text, and …
There Go the Ships
January 1, 1970
There Go the Ships “There go the ships.” — Psalm civ. 26. I WAS walking the other day by the side of the sea, looking out upon the English Channel. It so happened that there was a bad wind for the vessels going down the Channel, and they were lying in great numbers between the shore and …
The Turning of Job’s Captivity
January 1, 1970
THE TURNING OF JOB’S CAPTIVITY. “The Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.”— Job xlii. 10. SINCE God is immutable he acts always upon the same principles, and hence his course of action in the olden times to a man of …
Hold Fast Your Shield
January 1, 1970
HOLD FAST YOUR SHIELD. “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.” — Hebrews x. 35. THE early Christians had to suffer for their faith. They were exposed to great ridicule and enmity: they were, indeed, the by-word, the laughing-stock, and the derision of all mankind. There are still to be seen in Rome, …
The Eternal Truth of God
January 1, 1970
The Eternal Truth of God “His truth endureth to all generations.” — Psalm c. 5. IT was very solemn work this morning to lay bare the sin of unbelief. It was the burden of the Lord to him who had to speak, and it could have been but very small pleasure to those who had to listen …
The Story of a Runaway Slave
January 1, 1970
The Story of a Runaway Slave “Perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever.”— Philemon 15. NATURE is selfish, but grace is loving. He who boasts that he cares for nobody, and nobody cares for him, is the reverse of a Christian, for Jesus Christ enlarges the heart when he cleanses …
Philemon:v. 15