Ray Rhodes
Learning to Write from Spurgeon
January 11, 2024
Young ministers would do well to remember that for purposes of teaching there are two fields of usefulness open to them, and that both deserve to be cultivated. The utterance of truth with the living voice is their main business, and for many reasons this deserves their chief attention; but the publishing of the same …
Spurgeon: A Fighter and a Lover
November 2, 2022
Charles Spurgeon should not be interpreted as a theological sadist, deriving pleasure from pummeling his doctrinal opponents. That he was a notable defender of the faith, is without question. He fought against baptismal regeneration and the undermining of essential evangelical doctrines, which he saw as threats to the gospel. He was outspoken and took strong …
Bible Reading and Prayer in the Marriage of Charles and Susie Spurgeon
December 1, 2020
Charles and Susie Spurgeon’s engagement in August of 1854 got off to a great start. There was no elaborate setting with balloons and fireworks—just a simple garden. It seems that Charles never said, “I love you,” to Susie until he was ready to say, “will you marry me?” Susie said “yes,” and such marked the …
Susannah Spurgeon’s “A Cluster of Camphire”
January 25, 2018
Although Susannah Spurgeon was not as prolific an author as her husband Charles, her writing nevertheless was profound. Her pen, like her beloved husband, had a poetic and practical quality about it. Susannah was the author of three devotional books, as well as two books concerning the Book Fund that she managed. She was also a …