Timothy Gatewood

Spurgeon’s Evangelical Biblicism

March 15, 2019

“If you do not love the Bible, you certainly do not love the God who gave it to us, and if you do love God, I am certain that no other book in all the world will be comparable, in your mind, to God’s own Book.”[1]   Of the aspects highlighted by David Bebbington’s Evangelical Quadrilateral, “Biblicism” …

Spurgeon’s Evangelical Activism

March 7, 2019

“Christian people are never so happy as when they are busy for Jesus. When you do most for Christ you shall feel most of His love in your hearts.”[1]               According to historian David Bebbington, “activism” continues to be a defining characteristic of Modern Evangelicalism. Citing Jonathan Edwards, Bebbington explained, “Persons, after their own conversion, have …

Was Spurgeon a Pastor-Scholar?

January 10, 2019

The role of pastor-scholar has generated considerable interest within modern theological scholarship, but proposed definitions of the term tend to vary. Some focus on the pastoral aspect, suggesting that only those committed to the pulpit qualify even if they lack scholarly accomplishments. Others stress the pursuit of scholarship, grounding the role of pastor-scholar in academic …

Charles Spurgeon – The Voice of the People

August 30, 2018

“Simplicity is the authorised style of true gospel ministry.”   Charles Spurgeon is adored, in part, for his mastery of the English language. As the most published English speaking Christian of all time, Spurgeon has captured the hearts and minds of his readers with pithy quotes and powerful turns of phrase. Spurgeon’s iconic style, however, was a …