
The Centurion: Or, an Exhortation to the Virtuous


The Centurion: Or, an Exhortation to the Virtuous No. 600By C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. “And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy for whom he should do this: for he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. Then Jesus went with them. And when he …


An Awful Premonition


An Awful Premonition   No. 594By C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington “Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom,”—Matthew 16:28.  I MUST confess that I have frequently read this verse with but a vague sense of its profound impressiveness, …


The Child Samuel’s Prayer


The Child Samuel's Prayer No. 586By The Rev. C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. “Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth.”—1 Samuel 3:9. IN the days of Eli the word of the Lord was precious, and there was no open vision. It was well when the word did come, that one chosen individual had the hearing ear to receive …

1 Samuel:3:9

Quiet Musing!


Quiet Musing! No. 576By The Rev. C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. “While I was musing the fire burned."— Psalm 39:3. OUR subject this evening will not stand in need of much preface. The Psalm may teach us that there are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. The company of sinners …




Expiation No. 561By The Rev. C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. "Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin."—Isaiah 53:10 Both Jews and Gentiles knew pretty well what an offering for sin meant. The Gentiles had been in the habit of offering sacrifices. The Jews, however, had by far the clearer idea of it. And what was …


The Cripple at Lystra


The Cripple at Lystra No. 559By The Rev. C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. "The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked."—Acts 14:9-10 I have read in your hearing the story of the …


The Sinner’s Friend


The Sinner's Friend No. 556By The Rev. C.H. SpurgeonAt The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. "A friend of publicans and sinners."—Matthew 11:19 Many a true word is spoken in jest, and many a tribute to virtue has been unwittingly paid by the sinister lips of malice. The enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ thought to brand him with infamy, hold …
