
Jacob Worshipping on His Staff

January 1, 1970

JACOB WORSHIPPING ON HIS STAFF.   “By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.”— Hebrews xi. 21.   “WHEN he was a dying.” Death is a thorough test of faith. Beneath the touch of the skeleton finger shams dissolve into thin air, and only truth …


Four Choice Sentences

February 3, 1881

Four Choice Sentences    MY discourse this evening will scarcely be a sermon— it will be expository rather of the life and experience of Jacob upon one point. In order to bring it out I shall want four texts, but lest you should let any one of them slip, I will give them to yon one at …


Jacob’s Waking Exclamation

July 21, 1861

Jacob's Waking Exclamation   “And Jacob awaked out of sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.” — Genesis 28:16.        THROUGH his own foolish wisdom Jacob had been compelled to leave his father’s house. Perhaps we are scarcely able to judge of the sorrowful feelings which this banishment would beget …
