“Waters to Swim In”
April 25, 1872
"Waters to Swim In" “Waters to swim in.” — Ezekiel xlvii. 5. THE whole vision, though bearing other meanings, may be applied to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It began at Jerusalem as a tiny rivulet. By our Saviour’s preaching a few disciples, some of whom became apostles, were converted. These were the means …
August 27, 1865
Heart's-Ease “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112:7. THE last month has been a peculiarly gloomy season. Evil tidings have followed on one another’s heels like Job’s messengers. Epidemics have been rampant among our families, and many are the early graves which have been filled by …
Waiting Only Upon God
August 2, 1857
"My Waiting Only Upon God "My soul, wait thou only upon God."—Psalm 62:5 Calvin translates this verse, "My soul, be thou silent before God." Rest calm and undisturbed. Thine enemies are round about thee, and have sore beset thee thy troubles do surround thee like strong bulls of Bashan; but rest, my soul, in God. …