Blog Entries

The Art of Conversation: On Being Natural in our Evangelism

June 24, 2024

On January 4, 1859, Spurgeon gave his first public lecture at Exeter Hall for the Young Men’s Christian Association. He began, “I do not feel in my place here to-night. This is the very first occasion in my life upon which I have ever presented myself before the public as a lecturer – at least …

Rationalism and Dissenting Ecclesiology

June 3, 2024

The excerpt below is taken from my forthcoming book, The Army of God: Spurgeon's Vision for the Church with Christian Focus. Nineteenth-century rationalism elevated human reason above the authority of Scripture. What was the effect of this movement on the ecclesiology of dissenting churches? Here, I draw out three results: the removal of a credal …

Introducing Spurgeon’s Private Devotional Poems

May 15, 2024

For over 130 years, an unassuming notebook of poems has resided among Spurgeon’s books. As his library made its way from his Westwood study in London to William Jewell College in Liberty, MO in 1906, and then to Midwestern Seminary in Kansas City, MO in 2006, this little notebook has gone with it. Among Spurgeon’s …

Spurgeon Library Conference 2024: “Spurgeon on the Christian Life”

May 10, 2024

In Hebrews 13:7-8, the author says, Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The aim of the Spurgeon Library Conference is to remember one of our leaders in church …

Spurgeon on the Marks of a Missionary

April 26, 2024

One of the proudest achievements of the Pastors' College was the increasing number of missionaries sent out internationally. However, Spurgeon did not forget that there was much work still to be done at home. Speaking to the Baptist British and Irish Home Missionary Society in 1870, Spurgeon sought to encourage all Christians to engage in …

Making the Ordinances Meaningful: Spurgeon on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

April 18, 2024

For most churches, the challenge of church attendance is not practical but theological. Beyond busy schedules, online services, and all other contemporary challenges, many Christians today struggle with a weak understanding of what it means to belong to a church. One evidence of this weakness is in the way so many churches practice the ordinances.  So …

Susannah Spurgeon: A Faithful Wife

March 28, 2024

Susannah Spurgeon experienced both tremendous joys and agonizing suffering throughout her life, but the legacy she left behind testifies to her ultimate hope in the Lord and her undying faithfulness to her husband. She lived a life of service and devotion to God and her husband, and was ever his constant encourager and source of …

Keep Up the Prayer Meeting Pt. 1

March 4, 2024

The congregational prayer meeting was a key component of Spurgeon’s ministry. He believed that prayer meetings were “at the very secret source of power with God and with men.” Apart from earnest, consistent prayer, a congregation should have little hope that God would use and bless their ministry. Spurgeon always gave thought and planning to the …

Building a Culture of Evangelism

February 20, 2024

Spurgeon’s vision for the church was of an army engaged in the same fight that he was in, namely, proclaiming the gospel and pushing back the dominion of Satan through the salvation of sinners. But how did Spurgeon mobilize his church for evangelism? How can we build a culture of evangelism in our churches? In …

Principles from Spurgeon’s Sermon Prep Process

February 1, 2024

Known as the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon preached thousands of sermons over forty years of pastoral ministry. But preaching was only one part of his ministry. He also pastored a church of 5,000+ members, led his elders and deacons, performed membership interviews, chaired church meetings, gave oversight to two orphanages and the Pastors’ College, …