Are there times when you neglect or even forget the sacrifice of Christ on your behalf? Spurgeon asks, “Oh! my friends, is it not too sadly true that we can recollect anything but Christ, and forget nothing so easy as him whom we ought to remember?” So easily distracted by the things of this world and the sins that still tempt us, our cares and thoughts often drive us to look away from our Savior and forget the work that He has done for us. Spurgeon here teaches that our remembrance of Christ is both commanded and essential in our Christian walk.
In this sermon, we receive the necessary admonition to meditate on and recall the work of Christ. Spurgeon tells us of the sweet blessings that come as a result of that remembrance, namely patience in persecution and strength against temptation. But our remembrance of Christ should not be just a fleeting memory. Rather, we must meditate deeply and frequently on Christ’s person and work. One regular opportunity to remember Christ is at the Lord’s Supper. When we feel the weight of sin and guilt upon us, it is this remembrance of Christ that will give us true hope.
And first, remembrance of Jesus will tend to give you hope when you are under the burden of your sins. Notice a few characters here tonight. There comes in a poor creature. Look at him! He has neglected himself this last month; he looks as if he had hardly eaten his daily bread. What is the matter with you? “Oh!” says he, “I have been under a sense of guilt; I have been again and again lamenting, because I fear I can never be forgiven; once I thought I was good, but I have been reading the Bible, and I find that my heart is ‘deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked;’ I have tried to reform, but the more I try, the deeper I sink in the mire, there is certainly no hope for me. I feel that I deserve no mercy; it seems to me that God must destroy me, for he has declared, ‘The soul that sinneth it shall die;’ and die I must, be damned I must, for I know I have broken God’s law.” How will you comfort such a man? What soft words will you utter to give him peace? I know! I will tell thee that there is one, who for thee hath made a complete atonement; if thou only believest on him thou art safe for ever. Remember him, thou poor dying, hopeless creature, and thou shalt be made to sing for joy and gladness. See, the man believes, and in ecstasy exclaims, “Oh! come all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul.”
Read the rest of the sermon here.